1. The organization is the most important part.
Organization is essential when studying chemistry, it is better that you prepare for what is coming. I always recommend having at least 3 weeks ahead of your exam. Why? Time is very important and learning takes time, nothing is magically absorbed Molecule Database. If you are an organized person, putting together a study routine is not going to be difficult. Find a time, for example in the morning, when you can dedicate at least an hour and a half to studying chemistry.
2. Know well what you have to study.
Organizing your time requires that you know the study program very well. That is, it is important that you know which topics are going to be evaluated. For this, I recommend you read the study program, or the topics that the teacher selected for the exam. Get all the material you can on these topics, ask your classmates for any missing assignments, ask your teacher where to look for information and what books he recommends, and check carefully what types of exercises I teach during the course. This way, even if you don’t know how to solve the chemistry exercises, you will know the topic(s) that they taught you and you will know where to focus your time.
3. First of all, first thing: read.
Once you have familiarized yourself with the topics and have obtained the reading material, it is time to get down to work and read. Reading, reading and reading is the key. You may not understand much, so it’s time to write down what you don’t understand and look it up on the Internet, or consult with a teacher. If you still don’t understand, it was better to ask for help in time, get a suitable private teacher, but never stop consulting your class teacher, he has the obligation to assist you and teach you. Do not get frustrated if you did not understand what you read, it happens to all of us, in these cases many texts are accompanied by examples and figures, try to follow them and what you do not understand, write it down to consult.
4. Exercise a lot!
Exercising is as essential as organization, because no one memorizes and understands what they read the first time. So to assimilate new knowledge, it is best to practice it. Practice will also help you encounter problems and doubts that you didn’t know you had until you encounter an obstacle. Encountering obstacles is very important, here you are going to ask questions with your private teacher or with your class teacher, and when they solve the obstacle you will have learned much more than you thought. The periodic table and a calculator should always be at your side, use them. On the other hand, do not solve exercises only in your head, write them down and delete them if necessary, have a coffee and solve it again or leave it written down to ask for help.
Lastly, don’t forget to rest, don’t brainstorm bad ideas, and don’t get frustrated with problems that have a solution. Because you can approve! The potential is in you. Follow these steps and you will see how well it will go for you.